On the day:
On the way:
When the snort comes, thick and fruity, it comes from an unexpected source.
Not the too-large man bulging out of the only single seat on the lower deck of the bus (perhaps, indeed, the whole bus, if dim memories of the upper tier serve) that is constrained on either side by orange metal bars, his grey store coat wrapped tightly like a brown paper package tied up with strings, his bald head dotted with beads of moisture where the sun beats down through the back window.
Nor from the fleshy blonde girl in the cerise puffy coat, large floral print shirt hanging to her thighs and plastic-look black leggings, who wheezes when she walks.
Nor even from the pale, floppy, long-faced boy with the replica Brazil football shirt, and heavy-lidded eyes supporting himself with a rail by the exit door, who sucks in drying winter air through his mouth over a crackly, dangling lower lip.
No, it comes from the round-faced, delicate-featured, caramel girl in the shaped, double-breasted red felt coat with black buttons (mercifully, not toggles) and loose black slacks, who is comfortably ensconced in the back, left-hand corner. So when the heads turn, they just turn back again. Unbelieving? Forgiving?
The second time it comes, though, she is lifted bodily from her seat, carried off at the next stop (the one opposite the Turkish supermarket, as it happens), tied to the lamp post next to the bus shelter by the strap of her fake designer handbag (it's no shame, most girls have one) and left behind, to teach her a lesson about how to behave in a civilised society.
On the pod:
I'm With Stupid - Pet Shop Boys
On the front page:
Osborne refuses to budge over his austerity package
They get better and better!!! x