Saturday, 30 June 2012

Back to the bridge

On the day: 

On the way: 
She steps onto the bus in an explosion of early Eighties colour: calf-high, electric pink socks to match the round, plastic, electric pink sunglasses, her jolly short shorts burgundy purple, more pink protrudes from under a purple sweatshirt. Her hair is built high into a pyramid at the front, at the back a short plait. 
Kim Wilde tells me she can't take any more. I know how she feels. Wait a minute . . .  
No, my BlackBerry claims it's still 2012. 
Then the bus driver says: 'Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads...' 

On the pod: 
(You guessed it) View From A Bridge - Kim Wilde 

On the front page: 
Landslides cause rail line chaos (Metro)

1 comment:

  1. I feel you. I spent saturday night surrounded by fellows wearing adidas hoodies and floppy hats. It was 1989 all over again. AND I LOVED IT :)
