Saturday, 16 March 2013

Avengers dissemble

On the day: 

On the way: 
At the other end of the bus, a figure is buried in a green pile of puffa jacket. 
The shape of that figure are indiscernable, but what is clear is that there is a baseball cap on top of it, and on that cap are the words 'Avengers Assemble' picked out in red outline on a black background. I
t's no so much that the letters are clear, more the shape they form - linguists say it's a fairly standard means of recognising words, and in this particular field of logo-ography I am something of an expert, if I say so myself. 
I make my way  to my familiar perch at the back of the bus, ready to congratulate the mound of man on his fine choice in caps . . . The letters become clearer, yessiree, there they are: Mountain Challenge. 
Well, that would have been my second guess. 

On the pod: 
What's The Story Morning Glory - Oasis 

On the front page: 
Catholic priest: I can't be a sex attacker, I've been married 13 years (Metro)

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