Friday, 13 April 2012


On the day:

On the way:
His head is shiny bald like lovingly polished mahogany, a pleasing shape, not quite the blunt end of an egg, rising like the dome of some exotic temple above... 
A pair of spectacles from the Seventies, the kind Michael Caine might have worn, though on this guy they look more like goggles, maybe the corners are more rounded off, dark irises indistinguishable from their pupils like a cartoon character, and do the whites occupy the whole of the outsized lenses, if not they should, the panes of a window on a soul where resides Captain Fantastic... 
Perched on ears decorated with flourescent vermillion buttons, glowing against cosy darkness nestled into a cradle of faux fur... 
It has to be a disguise. Hasn't it? Hasn't it? The man next to him thinks so. The man sneaking surreptitious  sidelong glances of deep suspicion from beneath beetling brows (that's a great word, beetling, and common usage has ensured we understand it, but what the...? Whoever came up with the term must have failed primary school biology spectacularly if they were unable to tell the difference between a caterpillar and a beetle). 
And he should know, having purchased Groucho Marx forehead foliage from the high street fancy dress shop and passed himself off as Eugene Levy.

On the pod:
This Year's Love - David Gray

On the front  page:
Universities in revolt at plan to curb tax breaks

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