Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Heart soar

On the day: 

On the way: My breath departs my body. It's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her hair is red - rich, natural, all the colours of autumn spun into silky strands. Her skin is milky smooth and pale, her eyes shine with ambers and greens and her nose is gracefully sloped and contoured. 
She's in an aisle seat near the back of the aeroplane - she could have been a stewardess in the golden age of air travel when only the loveliest of the lovely were permitted to stride the skyways - in white top, a navy blue cardigan and a blue silk scarf with white polka dots, soaring at a cruising altitude of 37,000 feet over the Atlantic off the coast of North Africa. 
And I'm creeping 80 feet beneath the sodding (Don't you mean sodden? No, actually.) streets in a grubby train. Go figure. 

On the pod: 
Twenty Four Hours (Live) - Athlete 

On the front page: 
'Revenge' of Huhne ex-wife: I want to nail him (London Evening Standard)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she must be a very lucky woman, to enjoy these beautiful words from one so brilliant and kind!
