Thursday, 5 July 2012

Beware my power

On the day:

On the way: 
There is a child on his mother's lap as she chats to grandma. His head is shaggy, reaching to the collar of his navy big-name-brand windcheater. He's quite old enough to be sitting on his own, but there it is. 
He's not in great spirits. Not that he's kicking up a fuss; he's bored really, fidgeting, pushing out his lower lip, lying back on his mum's lap and hanging his head upside down. 
But he has something that sets him apart from other children - a power ring forged in the giant battery on Oa circles the middle finger of his left hand. He has clearly been chosen by the Guardians of the Universe (or by the ring itself) as the fearless one in whose hands the security of sector 2814 rests. 
Either that or his parents are oblivious to the ignominious failure of the Green Lantern movie. But what are the chances of that? It was such an intergalactic box-office bomb. 
So come on kid, say it: "In brightest day..." 

On the pod: 
Digging For Some Words (Human) - Johnny Clegg 

On the front page: 
Diamond: Now we find out if his bite's worse than his Barc

On the subject:

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