Friday, 6 July 2012

Hand on the helm

On the day: 

On the way: 
A little, elderly lady in grey slacks, orange cardie with gold buttons and spectacles boards the good ship Routemaster, followed by a hulk of a boy in jeans, baseball cap and jacket (different teams, but let's not quibble). His hands are on her shoulders, clearly guiding her, helping her negotiate the narrow gangways of the bus. Perhaps her sight is impaired, perhaps she's just frail, but it warms the heart to see such dedication to a grandmother. They sit together - her eyes are mercifully clear and lively, his dark and still, largely staring forward - and talk quietly and companionably. The bus stops, a gum-chewing ruminant gets up and waddles off, vacating a window seat and he indicates a desire to switch or shuffle up. He rises, shakily, wobbles to his feet, and and tries to step over to the open seat on legs like a landlubber's newly embarked on an ocean voyage. The elderly lady lifts up her slim arms, strong hands taking his hands to steady him. The penny drops, bounces, rolls along the deck and overboard, and falls further still before troubling the swells. It's she who is at the helm, steering her vulnerable charge through the stormy waters, not him. 

On the pod: 
(Waiting For The) Ghost Train - Madness 

On the front page: 
Diamond refuses to take blame for rate fix (The Times)

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