Sunday, 15 July 2012

Something rotten

On the day: 

On the way: 
She looks confused, but maybe she just can't choose: does she turn around and find a seat near the front or does she attempt the steps into the back section. Perhaps her circular spectacles contribute to that impression, the spectacles and the fuzzy hair that sticks out a a slightly surprised trajectory from her head - not long, just slightly surprised. 
She is enveloped by an olive green parka, on this sunny morning, the cuffs of a grey-brown jersey protruding from its sleeves and her trousers are faded navy tracksuiting, its rash of bobbles confirming their age, her black shoes oversized and sockless, and she carries a battered bag-for-life which has clearly put in the hard labour for which it was designed. 
She chooses the back of the bus and sits heavily, although not as heavily as her voluminous coat may have suggested. And with her comes the stench. 
And goes, and comes, and goes. Indescribable - not sweaty, not fecal. From where, it's hard to say. The bag? The parka? It returns in waves, when she shifts, and when she stands to go. 
She walks out into the morning carrying a weight that is not to be found beneath her parka. 

On the pod: 
The Edge Of America - Duran Duran 

On the front page: 
Billionaire held over wife murder

1 comment:

  1. Eek. You gotta love those aromas, of unknown origin! We have a guy (a tramp they used to be called, before they started selling The Big Issue.. now they're just called annoying) - he stands not far from our office occasionally calling "'gissue, 'gissue", the stench doing a great job of making people give him a very wide berth.

    ps. Loving the blog :)
